Four One Act Plays

September 19th, 1947 — September 19th, 1947


Albert Hall


Brisbane Repertory Theatre


Behind the Lace Curtain directed by Merle Dinning
They Refuse To Be Resurrected directed by Beryl Peake
The Foolishness of God directed by Edna Fenner
Over-Ruler directed by Narion Henry


Behind the Lace Curtain by Esther McCracken
They Refuse To Be Resurrected by N.K.Smith
The Foolishness of God by Freda Collins directed by Edna Fenner
Over-Ruler by George Bernard Shaw

In his 1947 Annual Report, President Alex Foster wrote: "It would be remiss not to make special mention of two features of these major productions for 1947. One, the very successful innovation of a season of one act plays. the inclusion of which was fully justified and brought credit to all associated with them and two, the introduction of a guest producer, Mr Dion Wheeler, whose acceptance of our invitation was greatly appreciated'"

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